Manage Your Social Life And Lose Weight

Managing your social life and sticking to a healthy eating and fitness regime can be really difficult, especially when you are just starting out.

As a part time fitness trainer and someone that works In the day and has to attend regular events at night. I am often asked how I manage my social life and am able to stay in shape and  lose weight

When I first started training I started with a trainer, I stopped going out, I stopped drinking alcohol and I ate healthy meals all the time.  I had an occasional cheat meal on a Sunday and generally I trained that day as well….. It sounds serious… I know!

I managed to maintain this for  around nine months, I lost weight, I looked good but even though I was getting the results I wanted I was bored and I was lonely because I did not have a social life.

Scientific studies prove that socializing is great for the soul and has a number of health benefits such as influencing positive health behaviours and habits and includes social support and reduced stress.

But, of course, on the flip-side, there can also be some negative effects too.  It just depends on how you deal with these social pressures. The good news is that there are ways you can manage your social life and still maintain weight loss by making positive decisions when you are out and about.

Do You Ask Yourself?

  • How do I still have a social life and lose weight or stay in shape?
  • I want to be social social but can’t bare the thought of staying in every night whilst trying to lose weight… ….what do I do?
  • How can I be better at choosing wisely in my drinking and eating habits?
  • How do I know when enough is enough?

If so then here are my 8 top tips on how you can manage your social life and lose weight.

#1. Be 110% On Top Of Your Nutrition Throughout The Week

Stay on top of your healthy eating habits and focus on your healthy eating regime during the week.  This gives you a little more freedom on the weekend  when you choose to go out with friends. 

How Do You Do This?

  • Don’t eat junk food.
  • Prep all your food for the upcoming week so you can easily put it in a lunch box to take with you to work
  • Eat healthily every 2–4 hours.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Have healthy snacks in the fridge for those peckish moments.
  • Get to bed early and try to sleep 8 hours.

Manage social life lose weight

#2. Train Everyday And Try To Be Active On Rest Day

When you train your energy expenditure is MORE! Training keeps your BMI elevated for a lot longer throughout the day and you burn more calories.

Furthermore, the harder you train the more calories you burn so this will help increase your overall calorie expenditure for the day.

How Do You Do This?

  • On the days you are planning to go out increase your workout intensity and do a high intensity workout.
  • On rest day make sure that you do something! Even if it is a walk to the park and back.
  • Remember that whatever you put in must be burnt in order to maintain weight loss.

#3. Be Good In The Week Even When You Have To Go Out

Even though socialising is great there are also many temptations when we are out with food and drink.   Try to avoid going out on weekdays but if you have to then stick to a plan.

How Do You Do This?

  • Don’t drink alcohol
  • Drink sparkling water with limes and lemons to feel refreshed and it also helps to feel that are drinking something different to water.
  • Only go for a couple of hours
  • Eat before you go out.
  • Drive the car so you are not tempted to drink alcohol.
  • Set yourself a cut-off point to go home and try to be in bed by midnight

#4. Find Things On The Menu That Are Healthy

Try to stick to a healthy eating regime even when you are out in a restaurant.  Think about the healthy meals you would have at home and try to replicate what you would do there.

How Do You Do This?

  • Eat a little healthy something before you go out. This will fill the gap and encourage you not to dive in for a three-course meal because you are suffering from cravings and are hungry.
  • Avoid creamy based pasta dishes, fried foods, unhealthy burgers or high in fat options.
  • Look for lean meats such as chicken or fish or have a healthy salad.
  • Check what comes on the side. If the meal comes with chips (French fries) then request that it is served with salad and/or vegetables.
  • If you have trained before going to dinner (I always try to do this) feel free to hit the carbs but ask for rice or a baked potato and have your salad and veg along with this too.
  • Do not have a desert but if you really need one then look for a sorbet or see if they can offer a fruit salad.

#5. Be The Designated Driver

This is a great way to avoid temptation with alcohol when on a night out.  I have found that being sober is generally a lot more enjoyable… especially as you see your friends decline… hehe ? You know exactly what happens and you don’t feel like shit the next day.  You can get up and train and maintain the healthy patterns that you are trying to install.

#6. Drink Low Calorie Options

If you are going to drink then chose low in sugar alternatives.  Stay away from beer! Drink gin and slim line tonic or a light beer or any of the following;

#1 – Vodka and Whisky

#2 – Champaign

#3 – Light beer

#4 – Light Cider

#5 – Dry white wine

#6 – Low calorie cocktails

#7. Make Plans For The Next Day

Organise a training session or a walk with a friend and stay committed to this. This will help you to stay on track and not fall off the wagon when your out.

Manage social life lose weight

#8. Avoid Take Out On The Way Home

I would say that this is the most important….

On top of the calories consumed by drinking alcohol eating a take away on the way home can send you way over the limit.

Make sure there is something healthy in the fridge for when you get in.  This could be left over dinner or healthy snacks such as hummus and veg sticks.

Do you want to get started on your path to health and wellness?  Check out my 1-2-1 online coaching packages and programs.

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About the Author

Hello, I'm Jenn and I'm so excited to share my love for fitness, nutrition, and wellness with you! One of my biggest goals is to inspire others to lead their healthiest lives. By sharing my own passion and experience, I hope to help you find joy and fulfilment in your own fitness journey.


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